Modern, simple and intuitive: the new website is online

In order to respond even better to the needs of citizenship and to the changed habits of access to information, the Municipality of Torricella-Taverne has devised a new website of the Municipality: simple, intuitive, updated and renewed in its contents, it also includes the portal of the Scholastic Institute.

The new tool aims to help further facilitate the Citizen – Municipality relationship. Able to adapt to any device, the new website, designed and developed by the Accentrix SA communication agency flanked by a working group of the municipal administration led by Deputy Mayor Franco Voci, it also offers users with less experience immediate and intuitive browsing and interaction methods.

Navigation is free: everyone can choose their own path according to the specific interest. It is possible, for example, to explore the contents by category and by theme, discovering in a few clicks the cultural, historical and recreational reality of Torricella-Taverne, of which it offers new ideas and new paths of knowledge. Or get to know all the public services that the Municipality offers to the Citizenship also through the help desk.

Navigation is free: everyone can choose their own path according to the specific interest. It is possible, for example, to explore the contents by category and by theme, discovering in a few clicks the cultural, historical and recreational reality of Torricella-Taverne, of which it offers new ideas and new paths of knowledge. Or get to know all the public services that the Municipality offers to the Citizenship also through the help desk.

Access to timely information given by the educational institution to parents and students is even more immediate. The creation of a calendar allows an overall look at the activities and proposals of the Institute itself. Under the same heading (Education), information is also collected concerning the Parents’ Association of the School and the Extracurricular Center BOOM.

With this new website (, the Municipality of Torricella-Taverne takes another step towards a streamlined, efficient administration that is able to interact with Citizenship both using traditional communication methods and digital ones.

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